Meet the Maker: Custom Made
I've been stocking Custom Made jewellery at HBK for years. An Oxford-based accessory brand that produces the coolest pieces that my customers have always loved. I spoke to the lady behind this much-loved brand, Anna Butler, to dig a little deeper into what inspires her and what lead her to launch Custom Made.
Can you summarise your journey to becoming a designer in five steps?
When I was little my Mum taught me to sew. I spent a lot of time making outfits for my Barbies. Instead of A levels, which I started and found very boring (on top of hating being at school), I did a BTEC in fashion. It was such a good course. Design, pattern cutting, costing, etc. etc. Then, I decided I wanted to further my fashion education, so I did a degree in fashion at Manchester University.
My degree was 4 years long with the third year in industry. I spent my industry placement as a design assistant for a high street chain. I wanted to do this degree so when I finished I already had a years work experience.
When I finished University, I worked as a menswear designer for the high street. I really wanted to start my own business, so on a whim, I left my job and started Custom Made 6 months later. I didn’t have a CLUE what I was doing, but learnt on the job and am now so pleased I made the leap!
What's your top thing that you can't live without? Book/music/podcast/animal/anything...
Reading really helps me switch off from work for sure. I have always been a book worm and still love being transported into the world that good books provide. I love listening to podcasts too. I like ones about UFOs and conspiracy theories. I listen to music a lot too. As my cat is usually my ‘work companion’ I should probably include her in this section, but she is a nightmare. I liken our relationship to Inspector Clouseau and Kato. She is always bursting out of nowhere and attacking me. It’s terrible. I long for the cats I see sleeping and being cute in designers studios on Instagram.
Tell me your favourite business, cafe, bar or shop + why you like them?
I love the Modern Baker in Oxford. Great food and coffee and we get bread from there each week. All their food is made with nutrition as a priority. Their bread is organic and the best I’ve ever tasted. My favourite is their sourdough cinnamon buns. SO good.
Can you pick 3 products you love from HBK website?
1 - Peggy Wallpaper
by Mini Moderns. This wallpaper by Mini Moderns is amazing and available in 5 colourways. I love the concrete colourway.
2 - Sphery Lightshade
by byKirsty I love this lampshade. Lampshades are my favourite item to buy for my home. I do love a statement lampshade and this one is totally that.
Big thanks to Anna for taking the time to speak with me, love to hear all about life at the Custom Made studio - especially a cheeky work cat!
You can check out all of our Custom Made stock over on the website now.