Meet the Maker: Lucy Dickson
We caught up with Cardiff based illustrator, screen print queen, and friend of the shop, Lucy Dickson, to find our more about her work and inspiration. Lucy has held screen printing workshops at home byKirsty, and is also part of the Get Lost in Cardiff team. She illustrated our map of independent shops across Cardiff's city centre. We are mega proud to stock her work in the shop.
Name: Lucy Dickson
Location: Cardiff, Wales
Can you summarise your journey to becoming a designer in five steps?
Going to art college and meeting people that were enthusiastic about art who gave me confidence in my abilities.
Studying illustration in Cardiff, university definitely had ups and downs but I feel like its really contributed to who I am now. A high point was putting on a show called ‘Mora’ with a couple of my classmates. Lots of people turned up and I think I shed a tear when I was thanking everyone for coming ha! I was really proud of how it all came together.
Leaving uni and having a huge shock. Everyone says its hard and they are not kidding. But I’ve surrounded myself with amazing creative people who encourage me to keep going, that really helps.
Getting my studio at Printhaus in Canton. I’m really lucky to be here, I can do all of my creative things and screen print. As well as seeing and talking to creative people all of the time. Its super homely and generally a feel good place.
Gaining experience doing workshops and community engagement, its a big part of my practice and I’ve completed some really great projects in the last year or so. I would also say working on getting a better online presence has been a confidence boost and its a great way to engage with people all over the world.
What inspires your work?
Nature, morality, animals and people. Maybe some other things too. I’m really inspired by the work of other artists, they help me to be brave and bold with my work. I’m also really passionate about engaging people with their own creativity, its my way of trying to make the world a happier place!
What is a typical workday for you?
Breakfast & tea in the kitchen responding to emails, probably a bit of procrastinating too. Then over to my studio which is just down the road to work on commissions, screen prints, planning workshops/ engagement projects. Lunch (everything revolves around food), more of the same. Then hopefully something sociable in the evening & dinner (of course). Sometimes I have meetings too, I like meetings because its generally to talk about exciting things!
Who is your favourite designer/maker & Why?
Too hard! I really love the illustration work of Anna Kövecses, she’s amazing! And Atelier Bingo, they make incredible screen prints.
What is your most treasured item of homeware?
It doesn’t belong to me but I love my housemates old stove top kettle. It whistles way too loud and you have to run to catch it before it starts going nuts but for some reason we still use it.
Which of your own designs are you most proud of and why?
I couldn’t choose, its usually the most recent because they excite me the most. Once I’ve looked at an illustration for a while or lots of times I want to make new work.
Photo by @CardiganStudio