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Make 2018 your most kick-ass year yet

As a small business owner, life can be pretty hectic. It takes a lot to keep organised and stay on track with the things I want to achieve. At times, it can feel like there are never enough hours in the day. So, this year, I will be making a huge effort to keep up good habits, form productive routines and get - stuff - done! I've pulled together some of the techniques I'll be testing out in an effort to make 2018 my most kick-ass year yet. I hope you find them useful. Let me know if there's anything you've come across that has worked for you.

Plus, we've got lots of new stationery to help you start the year on the right track - because, nothing gets me more excited to tackle the day than a fresh notepad and a clipboard in hand...

Three daily to-dos... yes, just three!

I love a list. But, one thing I have found over time is that writing a never-ending list of all the things I need to do, is pointless. I am constantly adding to the bottom of it, my handwriting gets scrappier and I never get the satisfaction of ticking everything off - which everyone knows is the best thing about a to-do list.

So, give yourself a break and a better chance to feel good about the things you do get done. Every day, pick three important to-dos, write these down and make them your priority. By the end of each day, you can celebrate your wins with three, big ticks. Start each day feeling less overwhelmed by what's ahead of you and end the day with a bigger sense of achievement and progress.

Tackle the worst tasks first

Do you ever find yourself with a task on your to-do list that is filling you with dread? It hangs over you, stares back at you and you find yourself doing anything else just to avoid starting it.

The truth is, it's not going to go away. You're going to have to get it done. This year, get into the habit of forcing yourself to take on these niggly tasks first. Stick them at the top of your list and get them ticked off so they are out of the way. After you've crossed the task off, you don't have to give it another thought and the rest of your day will feel like a breeze.

Take some time to clear your head

When you're running a business, it's hard to take a guilt-free break. There is always something that you could be doing. But, regular breaks to clear your head are not only good for the mind, body and soul - but also a great way to think up new ideas to keep your business fresh.

When you work for yourself, you get to know when you are most and least productive. Instead of slogging through those dips in motivation, leave your workspace for a little bit and go clear your head. You'll come back feeling so much fresher and raring to go. This year, I am going to make a habit of taking time out to cycle, stretch, walk, run, whatever makes me feel re-energised and ready to take on my remaining to-dos.

How do you stay on track? Is it something that comes easy to you, or are you always looking for tips and tricks? I'd love to hear what works best for you.

Now, take a look at our ever-growing range of stationery for an extra boost of productivity, creativity and daily motivation for 2018!